
          	Aww thanks so much!! Thank god it's the last week of exams to go, still got five more though ._.


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Hey guys, 
          For people that care enough to read this and to those who have noticed my absence, I  have been currently  engaged with exams and have been on a monthish hiatus. 
          This weekend I'm currently married to my study book -got big shit coming up, but I'm working on a new chapter to my books (this is for those who like reading them) that should be up soon.
          I'd like to personally thank all the recent people who followed me and the ones following me now -I am so grateful for you guys and I frankly have no idea why you would want to follow a weirdo like me. Please know how appreciative I am of everyone of you :)
          So, I'll see you guys around, have a great life!


Hi Caia! Thanks for the appreciation and I'm really really grateful. ;)


and thanks so much as well for comments and votes, means a lot <3


no worries, silvent, i reckon you deserve it:)