
Hey, everyone!Sorry I have not been updating much stuff for now, I was enjoying a nice lil' vacation. Buuut...I have not been idle in here, I have been writing many chapters not only for both my stories but for others I was not so sure about posting it before.



Paixonite adolescente.
          A história se baseia na viagem de Mila a personagem principal para os Estados Unidos, mas não será a passeio, muito menos para fazer uma faculdade e sim para conhecer o seu melhor amigo virtual chamado Marcos, mas o que ela não sabe é que o mesmo não é nada do que dizia ser.
          Mila então passa por grandes sufocos e momentos que ela gostaria muito de esquecer, e apagar de sua memória, mas os seus pais alertaram bem ela antes, mesmo assim Mila não quis dar ouvidos a eles.
          Espero que goste dessa história link a baixo, não custa nada dar uma chance.


Hey, everyone!Sorry I have not been updating much stuff for now, I was enjoying a nice lil' vacation. Buuut...I have not been idle in here, I have been writing many chapters not only for both my stories but for others I was not so sure about posting it before.


Hi there! I am Felpere and I've been a Wattpad user since about 2 years ago. I admit I have been away from this world of literature for some time, at first I was angry at myself  for never completing a story - The only I ever finished was Between two worlds, but let's face it: that was crap - so I left Wattpad as a writer - Pouting because I was bad at it - to become a ghost reader ( No vote, no comment and completely invisible) for what basically was a whole year. I involved myself too much with school - which is good, kinda - got myself a job and I suddenly didn't have any time to write and barely any to read. Buuuut, now I am proud to announce that I. Am. Back, for good I hope.
          I noticed my problem was because I wrote many stories at once, and I didn't have time to write them all. So I came with a scheme to make it right this time: I am always going to be writing two fanfics simultaneously, so if I loose interest in one I write the other. These stories usually will be one focused on action while the other is focused on romance - I have trouble writing feelings like love for and I am going to change that with lots of hard work and cliche chapters - though you don't have to worry because all will have cool fighting scenes, bombs, bullets, the good and ol' fist fight and of course... Super hero jump(They know it's bad for the knees and yet they do it anyway), cause let's face it, those are just awesome.
          Right now I am focusing on two crossovers that I temporarily named Rogue and A Cat's Adventure for short - though they will change, no doubt on that - Check it out! - On the Trailers book
          I am from Brazil(Viva a Zueira!) so I may have slight problems with some words and probably have either a small vocabulary or  try use slang on a awfully wrong situations - Bear with me on that.
          Questions, suggestions and doubts just PM me.