
Hello, followers! It's me! The author of "The Grim Reaper's Daughter." Firstly, I want to apologize. I wrote that story so long ago, and I didn't know anything about marketing and building a fan base. I had no idea one was building slowly anyways. I am back! And I have some good news about the status of the Reaper series. But first I want to know is anyone listening? Who wants to hear where the series is about to go??? Comment here!


Hi! Im really looking forward to the trilogy! I just re-read it again XD 


I’m in love with it u did such a remarkable job on this book I hope u continue writing 


r u going to continue this series 


Hello, followers! It's me! The author of "The Grim Reaper's Daughter." Firstly, I want to apologize. I wrote that story so long ago, and I didn't know anything about marketing and building a fan base. I had no idea one was building slowly anyways. I am back! And I have some good news about the status of the Reaper series. But first I want to know is anyone listening? Who wants to hear where the series is about to go??? Comment here!


Hi! Im really looking forward to the trilogy! I just re-read it again XD 


I’m in love with it u did such a remarkable job on this book I hope u continue writing 


r u going to continue this series 


Hello, everyone! I have made the official synopsis for "Revenge of the Reaped" (The Grim Reaper's Daughter, Part 2) available for you to see. Read it and then sound off. Tell me what you are expecting as this story is about to be continued. What are you most excited about? Your comments and support fuel me to write chapters faster, and I love it!


          Hi, everyone! I have been Missing in Action for a very long time here on Wattpad, but I want to let you all know that I am back. Thank you so much for supporting "The Grim Reaper's Daughter." Your reads, support, and comments mean so much to me.
          Now... On to the good stuff...
          Firstly, I am in the process of fixing up the story to get rid of typos and mistakes. As soon as I finish, I will be restarting "Revenge of the Reaped," part 2 to the story. I deleted it because I didn't like the direction I was taking the story and wanted to start from scratch. 
          Lastly, I don't have a cover for it yet, but I want you guys to support my new story "Shadowland," which will be an ongoing series. Please feel free to sound off with me. I love talking to my followers.


@filmguyTTT Your books are absolutely amazing and the way it throws light on the purity of a human soul before it gets drenched in sins are mind blowing. Hope to read more of your Death series soon!!!


Hi! Please feel free to check out my Hades series - I always love to hear what fellow writers think. Your book is beautiful, btw.Thanks! :D


@CJ_Underworld_Gray Hello, just wanted to let you know that the synopsis for part 2 of "The Grim Reaper's Daughter" has gone live. I hope that you plan to continue the series.


can you please update revenge against the reapers I'm dieing to know what happens next


@Sara_Tomlinson_16 Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am starting over on this book because I didn't like the direction in which I was going. However, I now have somebody that I'm positive everyone will adore. The synopsis has gone live, and the first chapter will be posted today as well. I hope you will continue to read!