
I finally managed to get a double update today :))))


Hello beautiful soul~~ Thank you so much for adding my book 'Stigma' to your reading list! I really appreciate it and I hope that you will enjoy reading it ❤️
          Stay healthy, much love ❤️❤️


@firestarshoot  Ahh I'm so happy to hear that omg! TT^TT  Awh thank you so much! I'm doing my best (': I hope school goes well for you! I hope you had a happy Christmas, enjoy your holidays and make sure to recharge for the upcoming year❤️
            Sorry for the late reply, I've been really busy (':


@DaydreamingVisions  OMG thank you so much!! I absolutely love your book and its by far one of the best I have read. I wish you good luck with uni :))