
miss u kwanie



Hello! I hope you're having a great day! I don't mean to be a bother but please give my friend's story a shot. It's genre is fantasy and the setting is an academy called "Almeira Academy". She'd love to hear your insights too. Thank you!❤


I'm sorry! 
          Hi, I'm Ciasse Dandelion. I'm still a newbie and an underage but kindly read my works and follow me if you want only. [Asa inyo na po iyon( ◜‿◝ )♡]
          FIGHT WITH ME
          "I love him that's why.. I will fight with him.."
          "I'm hers that's why.. I will be with her.."
          "Every minutes and every seconds."
          If you want to read, vote, and comment on it, go ahead! I appreciate it and kindly follow me if you just want to! Salamat!



Hi po! I'm promoting my story named 'Bridge Academy'. Sorry for plugging in because it may be rude. But please support me. Follow me for updates too!
          I'm an aspiring author waiting to be noticed by awesome readers. You can check my profile to see famous series and stories made by famous authors.
          Here's the link to Bridge Academy:
          Check it out! Tysm!