
Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mothers out there!


Hi. I see that you are uploading more chapters. I haven’t forgotten to read Prohibition. I loved it for the start only to do it justice I am waiting until it is finished. So how are you doing? You almost finished or still a long way to go :)
          Hope all’s well.
          Take care.


            Sorry but I must have missed your reply. 
            It was definitely a book I was enjoying so glad you are going to finish it. 
            I can’t believe you have only a few hundred reads. You deserve more that’s for sure :)
            I keep an eye out and and prompt you again in say a month or so if I don’t see the word COMPLETE !
            Take care.


Hey. I am almost finished with Prohibition (just a chapter or two to go), however I write all my stories by hand, then type them up later (it's really weird, I know). So, as far as having it typed up, I'm only about halfway through. I'm working through it as quickly as possible and hope to have it all uploaded by the end of the summer, but we'll see how that goes. Your interest in it will definitely motivate me to accomplish as much as possible :)


Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy celebrating, however each of you do that. For me, Easter is a time of being thankful, and this year I'm so thankful that me and my family are still safe and healthy. I hope you all stay safe and healthy during this crazy time, and that you all have something--no matter how small it is--to celebrate about.


Hi. Just want to say that while I have enjoyed reading “Breaking Free.” “Prohibition” is a really lovely book and yes a good decision to write it as it’s a credit to you :)  Take care. JU x


@Johnuri62 Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book. I'm so glad you've been enjoying it!


Hey guys, I am back from hiatus! Happy to see me? None of you probably care lol, but I'm glad to be back. Please check out the Chapter 11 in my book Breaking Free. And, because I've been gone so long, I plan to update again either tomorrow or the day after, so keep a lookout for that too. Thanks so much!