
Me: *tries not to disturb the cat in my lap*
          	Me: *endures pain as cat kneads my arm


@RoseThorns_16  Yes, they must. Even if it hurts you.
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The cat must be protected.
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Me: *tries not to disturb the cat in my lap*
          Me: *endures pain as cat kneads my arm


@RoseThorns_16  Yes, they must. Even if it hurts you.
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The cat must be protected.
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How does a ragtag, volunteer army in need of a shower, defeat a global superpower? How do we emerge victorious from the quagmire, leave the battlefield waving Betsy Ross's flag higher?


@AlexWinrySmith  I'm taking this horse by the reins, making redcoats redder with bloodstains. Lafayette! And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em drop, and burn 'em up and scatter the remains, I'm – Lafayette!
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Yo! Turns out we have a secret weapon. An immigrant, you know and love who's unafraid to step in. He's constantly confusin' and confoundin' the British henchmen, everyone give it up for America's favorite fightin' Frenchman! Lafayette!
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Me: *Hates coffee*
          Also me: *Takes all the Coffee Crisps*


@Thorns_16  Maybe in a few days. I'm still working on some things, and school takes up some time.
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@Keroni-the-onli ohh make an art book!! I bet it looks really cool. :D
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@Thorns_16  It's good, thanks for asking. Could have done better, but it was in the middle of the night and I'm no artist. :b
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brooo if ya wanna talk im hereeeeeeeeee but remember im still young and i have to pass my gradessss so im active on sc often nowwww just PM me if ya wanna rant to me, yea?


@Whalien2006  Lol, thanks. I have a tendency to rant, so I might take up that offer someday.
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Are whiskers cat moustaches??


tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
I asked my brother to find my Will to Live after he asked me to get him something.
          He said: "I can't, I'm sorry."
          So now I sit around reading because at this point it's one of the few things that keep me here and I'd probably die if I didn't have books because holy fucking hera this heat is gonna give me heat stroke and I haven't seen my bff in over a month and I don't like being deprived of her friendship or just sitting in her company and laughing about stupid stuff on pinterest or just whatever we find on the internet and I need her because fuck I'm gay for her so now I'm sitting here ranting about my feelings and how gay this is but I'm not completely gay I'm demisexual so it's her fault for befriending me and still being my friend that I'm crushing on her and I'm seeing her like, next week because cosplay and our other friends backed out because they're pricks so now we're going to the fair in wigs and suddenly I feel really stupid for agreeing to do it but I feel like she'd just end up doing it herself and making herself look stupid or something and I want to spend more time with her and I need some kind of social interaction with someone other than my family and she's like my only friend and THE nicest(not) person in the world and she likes MCR and calls herself emo but she doesn't look like an emo and I can't truly see her as one and jfc I'm thinking about her and now I want next week to come faster and wow I'm ranting 
          Why am I ranting?
          I get here?
          This is what happens when I'm sleep depressed. I don't have the heart to fix that to deprived.
          Now my brother is saying my ugliness breaks glass and I said my younger sister's head breaks bricks and I'm questioning my family's sanity???? Mine more so????
          Is this something I want to announce tho?
          Yes. Because I need to share this shit with everyone so they question my sanity.
          I'm running on three hours of sleep. Wish me luck.


Continue eating ice cream all alone in the dark of night
          :)  why do I feel like crying?


@Call_Meh_Roe that's an idea i wish i saw before I passed out
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@Keroni-the-onli bINGE READ THE TITANS CURSE (Wot? It only took me 1 day to finish that short book, definitely worth getting detention for) 
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I'm listening to random nursery rhymes  and songs, right? You know that one that's all like "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine?" 
          Well, I've never listened to the whole song before, and I just did for the first time. Like, the original one by Johnny Cash. The first verse surprised the Hel out of me, and its surprisingly  kinda dark like dang.