
I’ll try and update brave in the heart and the violet hour within the next week! Sorry guys but just been so unmotivated recently x


@flowersforophelia take your time girly girl, we're not going anywhere <3


I have the same from time to time. 
          	  But a break is fine.
          	  So, relax and enjoy.
          	  For your story will always be read with joy.


I’ll try and update brave in the heart and the violet hour within the next week! Sorry guys but just been so unmotivated recently x


@flowersforophelia take your time girly girl, we're not going anywhere <3


I have the same from time to time. 
            But a break is fine.
            So, relax and enjoy.
            For your story will always be read with joy.


Arya was looking at her. She had the eyes of that old black cat that liked to stalk the corridors of the Red Keep. Small and somewhat beady, watchful. 
          "Sometimes I forget you're just a girl."
          "Just a girl? What do you mean by that?"
          "You're just like me. You're just like Sansa," she said after a pause. Arya let out a huff and leaned her chin against her knees. "It's not fair."
          Lucella frowned and didn't say anything as Arya turned back around, tucking herself flush against the tree beside her sister. It wasn't fair, Lucella agreed. She was not her brother, she was no knight. She was just a girl leading two Stark children on a journey she didn't know how to navigate.  
          a snipet from the next chapter of fight like gods


YAY ‼️‼️


Ahhh!! So excited


I’m backkkkkk!! So relieved to be done for the summer. I’m working part time and working on starting my dissertation, but will still have plenty time to write hopefully. I’ll start with fight like gods tonight and that should be out in the next few days x


Hey everyone <3
          This is just a note to explain why I've been so AWOL recently. I haven't been doing so great the past few months. University has been stressing me out a lot and general insecurities have had me being insanely anxious for some reason that I just can't settle. 
          My main set of exams end in two and a half weeks but then I have a two week field research trip assessed :(  straight after. A lot haha! 
          I'll attempt to do a bit of writing here and there but I can't promise anything. Beginning in June I want to do lots and lots but until then I'm so sorry if you're getting annoyed with lack of updates! Thank you for all your continued support and patience <3
          Until then, is there anything you would like to see me prioritise?


@astorians thank you!!!! I’m feeling better now the sun is coming out and I’m trying hard to write x


I don’t know why I get surprised when the reading comprehension is so low here 


@cnszn1 you’re all wayyyy too nice to me!! <3


@flowersforophelia Sounds about right. That's why we need writers like you to raise the standard. Wishful thinking I know lol


what happen lmao?? better luck with ao3