Soooo first of all my name is Chandra (if you couldn't have told by the name up there ^^ lol) IIIIIIIII'm 17 years old and I wish to be a writer someday! But I still need some practice, which is why I'm here!!!!

I like reading and music and drawing and having funnn!! Some of my favorite bands are Linkin Park, My Chem and Ill forever love Fall Out Boy!!! Im super friendly so if you ever want to chat or something, thatd be totally cool :)

My bf and I have been doing art together since we met in the 9th grade, so some of the stories here are going to be kinda based on that stuff :) Hes my inspiration, and my one true luvvv!

Hope you enjoy all my stories!! :D
  • शामिल हुएJuly 1, 2012


Chandra की कहानी
flyflystarling द्वारा My Visits to Persephora
My Visits to Persephora
On a family vacation in Minnesota Spencer Silverbell stumbles upon a pond that will change his life . . . for...