
Just ignore most of the vents and such I was feeling extremely silly 


If the whole kosa thing actually happens I plan on sitting everyone I live with together and showing them EXACTLY what I do in my free time. They will either be terrified, start crying and wonder how I ended up like this, or just not care. Either way I'm not gonna let kosa affect me 


HELP I SUCK AT CONFRONTATION. WHY IS SHE CONFRONTING ME NOW????? How many times this year shall I reach my breaking point bc it's happened so many goddamn times already this year. I'm tired of believing that each year will get better bc it only gets worse for me.


I need somewhere to vent so Wattpad it is. My night keeps progressively getting worse i wish I could run away and leave everything behind already. I love all of my friends so much that it's been hurting me so badly. I keep ghosting everyone. I barely have the motivation to get out of bed, to eat, to go to the bathroom, to do anything at all and it's like nobody gets it or cares. I can't open up to anyone. I can't do anything. Nobody will love or look at me to the same and nobody gets it. I just can't do this anymore. I hate everything and I hate myself.


Guys. I got confessed to yesterday while sitting on the floor of Barnes and noble. I asked for him to give me a mfing week to think hahahahahha. Don't know what I'm gonna do except stress abt it and have maybe another panic attack lol. Just needed to tell smn else bc like sjfjfhdksndnsna


Hi. If you love horror and smut, then please check out my friends story
          Shes actually a fan of Michael Myers and so I'm going around, promoting my new book!  Your support is appreciated ❣️
          I think you'd like this story: "THE INEVITABLE MICHAEL MYERS (Michael Myers X reader) " by Elisha_Pillay on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/327148545?utm_source=android&utm_medium=movie.downloader.moviedownloader.movie&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Elisha_Pillay&wp_originator=u%2FMESKgNS%2FBbBTbzgYdMrzcNilO8u2%2FfEUhN8lp%2FhKOlxTyvwKXEc8HcuOzo8v6tvXkaGMoAv4NrS9XQ8q04j13ikzltdoYOmwg9Bc4O3%2BxADNIkFTbUCuLEkXt8i6et