
Hey anyone, I wanna rewrite my story Who, and it'll be off boyxboy but with no smut, is that okey with you all?


If you wanna write then do and if you aren't comfortable with sumt that's ok bubba (I myself feel so guilty yk it's not good ) yk till now I have like wrote 3 books of ggukkook intro and some chapters (in my draft but i deleted them ) like every time I want to write the next moment my heart is filled with heaviness and it's so hard that's why but bubba if you wanna write then surely do I would like to read it as I never got to read any of your books as I found ggukkook so much later ♡♡ so bun do whatever you're comfortable with ok ❤❤ not every books needs sumt bun you can enjoy a book on its story lines feel the words you will slowly fall for every lines of the book so bun you don't have to write sumt everyone will enjoy without sumt if they truly understand the lines ❤ btw good night bun sleep tight 


Hey anyone, I wanna rewrite my story Who, and it'll be off boyxboy but with no smut, is that okey with you all?
  • fragrant-flower

    @yojna77 honestly in reality, in real world I don't care about anything, I don't have dreams I don't have talents, and the things I use to love now I don't even like them anymore. If outside this phone, you'll met me you'll find me so boring girl. Idk I'll even write, like one time I wanna then next second I feel heaviness in my chest 
  • yojna77

    @fragrant-flower its ok you know my story , everyone have one even i am more like a loser in real life but we Should not feel low , i know things happen sometime opposite but its not hurt if we face , i know this feelings even i feel it sometime like i should stop it too 
  • sazilovestaekook

    @fragrant-flower yeahh!! Write it, if you feel like it! Do whatever you want!!! 


I miss your story so much  :(


hidden love
our secret
love me like I do
dream garden
warm meet you 
first love it's you
sweet first love 
sweet sweet 
white olive tree
mr bad 
gen z
my girlfriend Is an Elian seasons
miss lucky go
put your head on my shoulder 
ni chag
hello Mr gu
the secret of love
sweet game
 cute programer
when we meet 
when I see your face 
present is present
love 020

