
For the first time in my life I was truly horrified and disgusted by the past few events in America. I may not be black or american but I am in solidarity with the protesters in America yes all lives matter it's common sense but in this case #blacklivesmatter. I stand with all those fighting for democracy, independence and against racism. I stand with the protesters across america and protesters in Hong Kong. I am so lucky I am from a country where I can criticize my government and freely talk about politics when so many other's cannot. I am so grateful the police ın my country cannot pull a gun up to another citizen because we don't have any. I hope that america can change and be for the many not the few as Martin Luther king a hero of mine once said " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" 
          	I hope George Floyd gets justice I hope all those murdered by police get justice and I hope that the protesters in America end something which has been happening for 500 years 
          	With love from Ireland ❤


For the first time in my life I was truly horrified and disgusted by the past few events in America. I may not be black or american but I am in solidarity with the protesters in America yes all lives matter it's common sense but in this case #blacklivesmatter. I stand with all those fighting for democracy, independence and against racism. I stand with the protesters across america and protesters in Hong Kong. I am so lucky I am from a country where I can criticize my government and freely talk about politics when so many other's cannot. I am so grateful the police ın my country cannot pull a gun up to another citizen because we don't have any. I hope that america can change and be for the many not the few as Martin Luther king a hero of mine once said " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" 
          I hope George Floyd gets justice I hope all those murdered by police get justice and I hope that the protesters in America end something which has been happening for 500 years 
          With love from Ireland ❤