
this message may be offensive
hahahahahah someone at my school just shared a poster that has the same design, concept and drawing placements as mine hahahahah fuck bro did i got robbed or am i just being dramatic 


this message may be offensive
girl I think I've got plagiarised (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) and im scared i might get in trouble because of it AND IT'S POSSIBLE THAT MY TEACHER WILL THINK I COPIED KEUFUEIDUSUS FUCK


this message may be offensive
hahahahahah someone at my school just shared a poster that has the same design, concept and drawing placements as mine hahahahah fuck bro did i got robbed or am i just being dramatic 


this message may be offensive
girl I think I've got plagiarised (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) and im scared i might get in trouble because of it AND IT'S POSSIBLE THAT MY TEACHER WILL THINK I COPIED KEUFUEIDUSUS FUCK


ok so...
          i might leave wattpad-


the past few chapters of my Imagines book (some of them like "Something was missing until you" "make you feel my love" and "POV") was how I viewed what was happening and tried to create something I wished that happened when those things were happening. I did that as my coping mechanism and as my way to publish a chapter with my outmost feelings poured on it (some parts were fictional, and some were true.) that's why I haven't gotten the time to actually write something because it's an overwhelming feeling where I know what to write but I don't know how to start, I hope you guys can understand that I might need a little time off to try and be okay :) <3


@freckles_baby I'm sorry hope you find yourself and feel better babe <3 