
          	Hey hey hey! Thank you thank you to everyone reading any of my books, I am so grateful to all of you, and am especially hyped as Never Shall We Die and Where We Will We'll Roam have just hit 1K reads so to celebrate I have updated a new chapter on ELLIS POTTER! Go check it out if you haven't already and I am so sorry about slow updates but I will keep on trying to update when I can. 
          	~freewitch :)


          I created a Classroom called "Hogwarts Online". My plan is to a create a Hogwarts-like platform for those interested. I would need both professors and students. (Of course, the tasks of professors would be a bit harder,í given that they'll have to write and research studies.) 
          I take this project quite seriously: every week there would be some studying to do, other tasks, and games from every subject. I am looking for creative and enthusiastic people. 
          Course code: ys7kzva
          Thank you! 


          Hey hey hey! Thank you thank you to everyone reading any of my books, I am so grateful to all of you, and am especially hyped as Never Shall We Die and Where We Will We'll Roam have just hit 1K reads so to celebrate I have updated a new chapter on ELLIS POTTER! Go check it out if you haven't already and I am so sorry about slow updates but I will keep on trying to update when I can. 
          ~freewitch :)


RIP Carrie Fisher
          You taught me that girls CAN be the tough one and that you don't have to be the perfect princess that some people think you are or should be. You were an amazing actress and will be surely missed.