
Hey y'all, I have a few chapters that I haven't published yet that I'm starting to edit for Live Forever. If y'all have any ideas for it, feel free to message me. I'd love to hear your ideas.


You seem like a really awesome person, thanks for the follow! 
          The book you're writing sounds so cool, I can't wait until you publish it! :D


Of course! Yay I'm excited! I also saw that your book won't have any cussing, or that it will be bleeped out, thank you so much for doing that. Personally, I pretty much hate cussing, so it's a huge relief for me to know that it will be bleeped out! Thanks again! :D


@FandomsUnite123 Thank you very much! Your welcome! Thank you (again). Hopefully it will come out soon! :D


A changed life forever but for the good : Meet Anneliese Madeleine Taylor who goes by Lea. Lea is in highschool when suddenly some family secrets are exposed and turns her life upside down for the better. Her father at a young age because of a shipwreck little did he know his wife was 3 months pregnant. Then she thought. 'Wait a minute why would he be on a ship? Business? Kidnapped? Fishing with friends? Why was he on the ship?' Well life goes on. Read to find out what happens to Lea. Also why her father was on ship in the first place. Coming soon to wattpad. 


@friends121914 please vote, comment, and share! my book will not have cussing language. When someone cusses it'll say 'bleep' or '**********(depending on the word is depends on how many stars there are). Like I said please vote, comment, and share! Love y'all!