
It amazes me that The Haunting still receives new readers. I’m flattered, really. But also embarrassed. Why do people condemn themselves to reading the trash that I wrote through middle school?


@frozen-skeleton I didn't see anything new I'll try again


I'm not publishing any new entries to the book, I'm just editing the the chapters. If you return to the very beginning of the book and go from there, you should be able to access the rewritten version. To put it simply - the old writing has just been replaced.


Ayy. Changed my username. Again. But I'm sure this one will stick for quite a while.
          Also, I'm very very sorry I rarely post these days. I'm just really unsatisfied with my old work and I'm just too scared to delete them because of all the nice comments and votes I got and I'm kinda lazy to restart them.
          But one day I will write regularly again i sWEAR ;-;