
You can now read AFOLS on Inkitt as well!!


I know I haven't updated A FOREST OF LOST SOULS in a hot minute. 
          And with the new year, I thought: "why not just finish it?" So I hope to finish it this month or by the end of February.  
          I have had a few people ask me questions, so I'll be adding a Q&A chapter or book on here as well. So per story that book will have a Q&A chapter. I will post later about the AFOLS Q&A. 
          Thanks for sticking with me you guys!!


Hi readers!
          As you may or may not have noticed, mirror sites have mirrored my fics. This means that stories from Wattpad are now being able to be copied and pasted elsewhere. 
          However, this also means if you read the story anywhere else than Wattpad or Quotev, you're likely to be under attack of malware. So please please, don't read any of my fan fictions anywhere else than Wattpad, Quotev, Tumblr and AO3. 
          Please be wary of the sites you read fan fiction on!! More information will be available soon! ♡