
Ooooo @iamyourcherrybomb posted a new story!!!! I'm so hyped!!! Plus it's the hunger games!!!! I love  those books!!!!!


I want to know...WHY THE FUDGE ARE PEOPLE WRITING AND PUBLISHING STORIES ABOUT SERIAL KILLERS! Why on EARTH are you glorifying serial killers! They MURDERED innocent people! They are not "CUTE"! It's okay to find the cases or crimes interesting! But why are you fudging glorifying them! They were not good people! They were not "misunderstood"! They were fudged up people! Who took the lives of innocent people!


this message may be offensive
You guys want to hear some bullshit! Some account requested! No DEMANDED that I write their story! They sent a summary and a bunch of details! I won't lie, it was good but they demanded that I do it! I am all for requests or suggestions! But IF YOU DEMAND THAT I WRITE FOR YOU! The answer is a NO! I had tried to dance around this idea that I would write for them! And I genuinely considered writing it before, but if you are asking multiple writers to write your stories by spamming them!  Just know it's rude! Also you have ACCOUNT for a website, WHERE YOU CAN WRITE YOUR OWN STORIES! If you want to see your story come to life, write it yourself and ask other authors to re-read it and help you edit it! I would be happy to help anyone edit their story! Just  dm me and ask if I could read your story and help you edit! Don't dm me and demand I write! Unless your paying me or are really kind, I won't write for you!


@anmarauder EXACTLY! You have ACCOUNT for a website, WHERE YOU CAN WRITE YOUR OWN STORIES! Just ask for help if you need it!


Ya wait wtf why would you even want someone to write your story. That like takes away the whole purpose 


ayt also castle is so good she belongs to aqua fml 