
@SAMiAMiz Oh man. I must prepare myself to read them


@furrypanda yes... I dare say u shall have to. sigh... -.-


Hey girlie! It's been sooooo loooooonguh! 
          I hope all is well with you! <3
          So. I have just started getting into this Werewolf hype since Wattpad has been doing nothing but recommending me all these Werewolf stories. I've read countless and figured that i'd take a stab at it. 
          Ugh. I'm rambling... anyway! i was hoping that you'd be able to take a peek at one of the stories i have written and leave me your thoughts. If you do, that'd be stupendous! If not, that's okay too. I know everyone has busy schedules and stuff. 
          Talk to you soon!
          <3 SAMiAMiz


@furrypanda  you're a sweetheart! thank you so much! and i miss reading all those comments  it was the highlight of my day...
            Haha, but i totally get the "growing up" thing. unfortunately, I'm required to Adult a lot of the time though i wish i didnt have to.  but... we shall persevere... at some point. haha.
            i figured that you and the others were going off and growing up haha. *wipes tear* I never hear from any of you.


Thank you! I'll go buy all of the BOC books <3 it's honestly my all-time favorite series. I miss commenting on every single chapter of those. I just don't have as much time for wattpad as I used to... I'm growing up and I hate it >.<


@SAMiAMiz I think you do but it's possible you haven't; I haven't checked it in so long and I am terribly sorry!!! Also my wattpad app started acting up so I couldn't see your messages! -.- technology


@furrypanda oh that's alright! ^_^ at least you have a bunch of chappies to catch up on! I may have made one of my triplets cry... but yeah...