Hmm about me...🤔

Where do I start? Well I, fuzzball have the appearance of an ostrich, Yes you read that right.
Us fuzzballs are related to the puffballs.

We are often seen (if at all. We are very shy and nearly extinct) either digging, having our heads buried in the ground hiding from puffballs or running round like a headless chicken running away from the puffballs.

If you ever come across a puffball, back away very very slowly and carefully, with no sudden movements they will start singing their favourite. song- which I will not repeat

Also of course I fuzzball the first loves writing and reading otherwise duhh I wouldnt be here.
I had another acc but had problems with something. Most my stories are from there (unpublished)

Hope ya'll enjoy!💜
  • Somewhere drinking tea and reading a book
  • JoinedJune 28, 2019

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