
Don’t fret everyone! I’m continuing on a novel that is drama filled and many more emotions in the mix. I’m straying away from horror for awhile because as much as I love the genre; a break is much needed when I’m just not feeling it. Watch out for the future, a book by the title “The Back Burner Kids” will be out!! I can’t wait. I’m putting so much love into this book. 


Don’t fret everyone! I’m continuing on a novel that is drama filled and many more emotions in the mix. I’m straying away from horror for awhile because as much as I love the genre; a break is much needed when I’m just not feeling it. Watch out for the future, a book by the title “The Back Burner Kids” will be out!! I can’t wait. I’m putting so much love into this book. 


Sometimes when the world gets a little rough and a bit colder, I turn to writing and spending time with my fictional characters I’ve created. Comfort from real people is nice, but sometimes, all that can help is simply writing with my characters. More coming soon.~


Back Burner Kids is about a story following a group of high schoolers who go through their last year of high school going through many different experience which causes strain on their bond as they begin wondering if it’s going to make it stronger, or weaken their friendship. Stay tuned for more soon. Xx 
