
And I got Instagram! Which is pretty cool. Same username, but I don't post anything, just follow a bunch of art accounts 


Somehow I'm sleeping even less now. Me from my last post was naive and stupid, that was only the beginning. I used to think 5 hours a night was bad. Now I'm at 3. My brain is numb. 


            It isn't that I can't fall asleep, I actually sleep very easily. It's that I'm so busy with sports, other extracurriculars, and trying to maintain A's in school that I need to stay up late in order to get it done, and I'm a procrastinator. 


sorry to hear that omg thats terrible have you tried melatonin?


That moment when you didn't do a science project that was supposed to take months and you're faking all the results 4 days before it's due and you still need to write a summary and abstract and conclusion and your only motivation is panic because you need academic validation 


            I am claiming this good energy 


I actually had to do a Unity game design project that other people had months to do. But I had to get a new laptop and once I did it was a day before the project was do. I worked on it all night and finally finished it in the morning. It wasn’t too hard to do but difficult to understand the directions at first. 


this message may be offensive
Just wanted to make it clear I am not dead ((yet) that was a joke don't worry)), it's just that Ao3 is superior to wattpad in every way. And I wasn't writing anything mainly because varsity teams are a pain in the ass, and high school is stressful as fuck when you only manage to get  like 4 hours of sleep each night. But that's over now! And I'm bored and unmotivated to live. So I'm (technically) back (I guess??) 
          Side note, Happy Pride Month!!! Saiki K is gay for that one average guy, and he's aro/ace YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND 


            Thanks!! Glad you like the new pfp, the spoke to me. Ao3 is for classy bitches, and I'm suing high school musical and every other misleading high school movie. 


no you’re 100% right abt absolutely everything in this lolol ao3 IS sm better and high school IS stressful. BUT HAPPY PRIDE !! <3 glad to see you changed your pfp for the first time in at least 3 years