
Hey guys please keep Iowa in your prayers. My parents friend's family was hit by a tornado lest niggt and leveled off the entire farm. The house in unsafe to live in anymore and the buildings are all down. Please keep this family in your prayers due to no one being able to help them from this crisis in our world. 


Hey guys please keep Iowa in your prayers. My parents friend's family was hit by a tornado lest niggt and leveled off the entire farm. The house in unsafe to live in anymore and the buildings are all down. Please keep this family in your prayers due to no one being able to help them from this crisis in our world. 


Hey followers I'm just gonna say something to all of you
          You should  be yourself and don't let ANYONE no matter how big, small, short, tall, fat, skinny, young, old,or "better than you" tell you different. You are you on the inside and that is a beautiful thing. Don't let anyone bring you down. You are YOU. You are funny, amazing, loving,caring, unique, different, and special.


@ gauama123  you are so right!!


Hey guys I need some suggestions on my collage. I was accepted into a collage that I have been wanting to go to, but I am not allowed to drive there, because my parents won't let me. It's three hours away and move in day is Sunday August 18th, 2019. Any tips or advice?


You have been randomly selected for a random bunch of happiness inducing facts:
          Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart.
          The elements that we are composed of were formed in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are all made of star dust.
          Turtles can breathe through their butts.
          There is a program that makes prison inmates responsible for training and raising seeing-eye dogs. Many reported that they felt like they were making amends for their past actions by working with the puppies.
          Statically, one out of every ten people you meet are gay.
          There is a book series, an actual book series, entirely about gay clock sprits.
          Whatever you eat, your skin uses to make itself. So my skin is part cheeto.
          Almost everyone has tasted chocolate. 
          There are people who feed pigs bacon.
          There was a gay couple in the Bible. 
          Hot air balloons are basically very big normal balloons.
          The fruit orange was a thing before the color was.
          That's all I have for you, have a nice day! 