
If you're horny, take a look at my latest flash fiction, "Making Fire with the Devil"
          	Hope you like it!


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


I know a lot of people hate that I take a long time to publish my stories.
          You know what I hate? Reading stories that don't make sense because the author didn't take the time to read over them and perfect them, resulting in an abundance of typos and grammatical errors. It bugs me two know end- see, didn't that just bug you? Wasn't that super annoying?
          So please, understand that I refuse to publish a story or story part until it is perfected as much as possible.


Hello everyone! "Welcome to Helix Studios" is now COMPLETE! I also created a separate sex scene called "Helix Studios: Kody and Jonathan Make Love" in case you're interested in that stuff. Please read, vote, comment, and stuff! Thanks!


FINALLY!!! I finished my newest part to "Welcome to Helix Studios" (originally Gay Porn). Please read! Vote! Comment! Whatever!


@gayromance4you lol I ment yesssss 


@gayromance4you years I can't wait 