
My profile even mentions along the lines that if you aren’t vibing with any of my stories that it’s okay. Not everything is for everyone. 
          	There’s no need for a back and forth. I’m not mad that you don’t like it, but don’t make your dislike for a story as a personal attack towards me, my morals, and character. 
          	For one it’s not that deep and you could easily read something else,  but also why? Lol 
          	It’s nothing but good energy on my end. 


Hey fam! IDK if you were aware but I've extended 'As We Lay' there's like 5 maybe 6 new chapters since the false finale. I know how much you enjoyed it & thought I'd let you know. I appreciated your support btw, so thank you for that ❤


I will surely put my feet up and read through your comments. Good to have you back on Wattpad! You were definitely missed. As much as you’ve been a reader, your comments has been a big part of the book. I’ve had readers inbox me saying how they’re enjoyed reading through the comment section. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you❤️


Thank you for that motivational speech. I don’t think a lot of readers realize the importance of giving feedback to writers. It makes such a big impact with creating the story. 


(Emotional walls) I’m not going to cry! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … you have a gift that is beyond anyones understanding. These novels are just the tip of the iceberg! 


My profile even mentions along the lines that if you aren’t vibing with any of my stories that it’s okay. Not everything is for everyone. 
          There’s no need for a back and forth. I’m not mad that you don’t like it, but don’t make your dislike for a story as a personal attack towards me, my morals, and character. 
          For one it’s not that deep and you could easily read something else,  but also why? Lol 
          It’s nothing but good energy on my end. 


☕️ I’ve seen my “views/reads” go up, so thank you to those silent readers for checking out my work. As mentioned, I don’t write for my complete fulfillment. If I did my work would stay on Google Docs and not on a sharing platform. So please don’t forget to vote and comment. My main thing is engaging with my readers. I enjoy it when other authors do it, I think that’s the best way to connect and make a reader feel a part of this journey. 
          Show your girl some love ❣️
          I mentioned a day or two ago that I wanted to do a rom-com. I just need supporting characters that are in the age range of 28-37. My inbox is still open! I just need your character's age, (3) personality traits, face claim, job/career, and possible love interests. I want to continue a healthy practice in making all my works interactive with you guys. Since the week has ended whenever I get my cast is when I’ll get started on the first 5-10 chapters, so please don’t forget to inbox me. 
          Also, shout out to @aightimmafukwitcha for showing some love to AWKE


It’s the conversation portion of MY profile. If I don’t like what YOU or anyone else is saying regarding my soul. I have every right to mute you or remove it. 
            You can dislike Awke or any other story I choose to put up. I won’t ever go back and forth with anyone over that. Your opinion on Trois is your opinion, but that’s also what the comment section on the actually story is for. 
            However, you personalize your distaste towards me that’s another area. My soul and the story are two different things. As I said if it’s not for you then keep it moving. Clearly you are pressed,  bless your heart.
            You can keep your votes and hold this mute beloved. 
            Peace and blessings. 


this message may be offensive
You mute me then unmute me because I said something you didn’t like. I was willing to take the time out to give awke a chance even voted for two chapters. I’ve taken my vote back. The World doesn’t need anymore of that new story you trying to put our for people to read. You are struggling to get votes because not everyone is going to be with that shiiiiit. Take my advice, Stop selling your soul to the devil! Ain’t Shit going go right for you if you continue with that New book Trois. 


I’m the type of person who likes to juggle (3) things at a time, but also I’ve been playing around with a romantic comedy idea.
          I just need supporting characters that are the ages of 28-37. You can inbox me your characters age, (3) personality traits, face claim, job/career, and possible love interest.☕️
          Figured I’d make this story interactive to the readers. I want to get started on the first 5-10 chapters this week, so don’t forget to inbox me! 


I did a thing - I published the first 10 chapters of Trois (finally). 
          Please show your girl some love by commenting, voting, and sharing the link. 
          I currently have the other 10 chapters in draft mode. I get to posting those once I receive comments and votes. 
          Connecting with you guys throughout this process is probably one of the most fun experiences as a writer. So when I post, I don't post for myself. I do it for you guys so your love and feedback is SO important. 
          My inbox and comment section is always open, so feel free to hit me up.
          Read Trois:


So I’ve started posting for Trois. I’m working on putting together the character list and their relationship to one another. Keep in mind as the story moves on the list grows. 
          I’m going to caution everyone with a warning on the description and the first post made on it later on this evening that way readers won’t be shocked. 
          I mean what I say when it’s an erotic, kink, rated nasty piece. Now it’s not that every chapter it actually have a storyline of discovery, family, friendship, love, and growth in there that isn’t really hidden.


I’ve been working on quite a few chapters for  AWKE! However it’s lacking crowd participation and overall feedback that could probably push the story along. 
          But to the other meat and potatoes of this announcement. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and not doing something supernatural but Erotica featuring a few fan favorites #MBJ #SZA … it’s going to be very much smut with a storyline and character development obviously, but it is not going to be for the faint of hearts.
          Kink fetishes will take place … strong leads in BDSM and same sex relationships. 
          Now … listen closely y’all. I have already written 20 chapters of it ☕️ all you have to do is say go 


@Ambitionalltheway Peace & Blessings ✌


@Ambitionalltheway You mean writers* and fortunately for me. I’m not conforming to anything for readers or followers. If you don’t want to read or follow my work you can easily not view my profile or my stories. It’s that simple. 
            I won’t and I haven’t. But don’t allow your judgements to fumble your soul to the devil as well. Just as you are judging me and assuming the placement on my soul based on me adding same sex relationships to my stories —- realize that you just read a supernatural piece that has a witch and a werwolf married and clearly had sexual relations, hence, their daughters creation. So there goes that fine line of you indulging in what some would say is bestiality. So while you are trying to condemn me, worry about yourself and your soul. 
            Me and God have a stable and flourishing relationship.


@geereadsx Lady don’t sell your soul to the devil. 