
this message may be offensive
don't randomly message me, hating on my life lmao, like please fuck off. don't like what I post, say, or do, the unfollow/block button isn't hard to find. 
          	yes, I deal with an eating disorder. no, that does not mean you can abuse your free speech and use it as hate speech. 


this message may be offensive
don't randomly message me, hating on my life lmao, like please fuck off. don't like what I post, say, or do, the unfollow/block button isn't hard to find. 
          yes, I deal with an eating disorder. no, that does not mean you can abuse your free speech and use it as hate speech. 


this message may be offensive
so I just saw this thing where someone was making fun of popular anorexic diets,,, and I'm actually fucking sobbing. whoever thought it was okay, needs to get slapped in the damn face a couple times. as someone who's struggled/still struggling with disordered eating, this only makes me feel more like shit.