
          	Who doesn't? :D


@StacheMyPaperBag an elephant is best eaten one bite at a time. ;)
          The important thing is to not give up if it's something you're truly interested in doing. But also don't beat yourself up if you aren't progressing how you desire. Sometimes taking a step back and revisiting later, in a different frame of mind or with a different perspective, works wonders.
          Like I mentioned, I have a lot of things mulling...I have some pretty awesome vignettes that I'm proud of, but they aren't progressing much from there. So I let them simmer as I continue plugging along. Life happens while we're making plans...sometimes that's all the inspiration needed...And sometimes we just need a little more life experience tucked under our belt to help us hone our own brand of epicness.
          It's also important to remember that our style of writing isn't necessarily the style that we enjoy reading. We can't compare ourselves to others, we can only compare to what we've done previously and aim for cohesiveness, readability, relatibility.
          I'm rambling, and it's hard to check back on what I've already said on this tiny screen. Head cold isn't helping brain function. Lol.
          Happy Friday to you.


          Thank you, so much for giving me this inspirational message. I am honestly grateful for you to take out some of your time to write this. 
          I screenshotted this, for future encouragement. So thank you again.
          I bow down to you.
          Honestly, I give up on something really easily. Either I'm lazy, or felt like there's no use into writing this anymore. Skill is to build, it is not to magically appear. 
          Even if you think that your writing skills sucks, you shouldn't give up. You should dig more into how you will improve it. And you are right, we aren't epic writers, so we shouldn't set a goal so high that seems impossible to reach.
          Thank you for opening my eyes.
          Things are not given to you. You earn it.


@StacheMyPaperBag there's a difference between setting something aside and giving up entirely. my writings get set aside...sometimes it needs to mull so the flavor is more complete. sometimes I need to do some research so I have more knowledge to draw from to continue the story line (or flesh it out further). sometimes I need to refine my writing style so the work is more cohesive and of higher quality. I have an entire file that is just little vignettes to either build into a story or to work into an existing story at some point.
          so, don't give up entirely. just because we aren't epic writers doesn't mean we can't continue to hone our skill; continue to find our voice in this or other mediums (I dabble in writing, water color, yarn, cooking/baking, microfarming...I am proficient at none, all require work and effort to improve my skill sets, but I enjoy these activities and reap benefits from engaging in them).
          nothing worthwhile is easy.