
The closer it gets the more taunting it is,
          	Nine weeks away sounded so great but it's haunting me now,
          	I wish to be saved so it's less undaunting,
          	But if I don't go I cease to be vaunted...
          	Hey, if you're reading this in about 3 weeks I'll be unreachable for a whole nine weeks. I'll try finishing 'Attachment' and post another few chapters of 'Revenge: a Dish Best Served Cold'


The closer it gets the more taunting it is,
          Nine weeks away sounded so great but it's haunting me now,
          I wish to be saved so it's less undaunting,
          But if I don't go I cease to be vaunted...
          Hey, if you're reading this in about 3 weeks I'll be unreachable for a whole nine weeks. I'll try finishing 'Attachment' and post another few chapters of 'Revenge: a Dish Best Served Cold'