
Not me completely disappearing off the face of the earth and coming back years old messages. Hi. Sorry. 


Hi hello I just wanted to say that your writing is amazing (im reading the gregory s.b sequel rn its amazing ) please continue writing!~ 


@villianwave  Hi! thanks for reaching out and also for enjoying my story. I'm trying to update more often, I promise! I'm starting early grad school (meaning i'm crying and dying 24/7) and free time is far and few between. Messages like this remind me to work on my stories as much as I can and remind me that it's something I enjoy so I devote more time to it! I am writing this chapter by chapter because i have no sense of story management because i have a brain made of swiss cheese but I'll devote time between classes to do more fleshing out and plot building so I can bring you guys more updates!!! Thanks again for reaching out and i'm so glad you enjoy my writting!!!


I'M ALIVE! I've been gone and not updating for too long! I hit a ton of road blocks and was utterly frustrated with a lot of my writing, I just felt like i didn't know where any of my stories were going anymore. I still kinda don't but I'm not abandoning my works or the people who have been following them. I'm gonna do my best from now on! To those who have been waiting, if you're even still here, thank you. Thank you for sticking around, thank you for commenting and sending me messages, and just all around supporting me. For those of you who are new or didn't know I hadn't updated in forever, thank you for showing interest in my work! thank you for voting and commenting on parts you love.  Thanks to all of you, let me repay you now by actually updating and trying to finish the stories that brought you here in the first place.  Expect stuff from me soon!


Sigh. Hey guys, so I already posted about this in an update of one of my stories but I'm sorry about that wait on updates and stuff. I'm dealing with a lot of school work and family illness, and also in the middle of something with a user who posted a rip off of The Witch's Heart. They've been taking credit for my work since like August. It's pretty much word for word except they changed the main character's name and species. They're ignoring my messages and I had been kinda reluctant to report them because I don't want to put someone through the process wattpad has because it honestly seems kinda harsh for just a fanfic. It'd be different if it were an original copyrighted story but....well you get the point. i reported it but i'm not sure what they'll actually do. So while it's not an excuse I figured I'd tell all of you why I haven't been updating. I'm going to try my best to update my stories, even the ones I haven't touched in a long time. Thanks for sticking around!


I've just finished up with my summer job so I'll be picking back up with my stories. the one I'll be working most on is The Bad Boy Has Met His Match, followed by The Witch's Heart. those are my two most popular. thanks for following and reading! sorry for the wait on some of my works.