
;   okay  okay  cb + drop!!


﹡   ᵗᵉˡᵉᵖᵃᵗʰⁱᶜ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐ ᵐᵃⁿⁱᵖᵘˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ ﹕  ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵇⁱˡⁱᵗʸ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃⁿⁱᵖᵘˡᵃᵗᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ'ˢ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ.
          {   carrie  is  no  longer  new  to  this.
          she  no  longer  needs  blindfolds  nor  complete  deprivation,   rather  prefers  them.     she  no  longer  feels  the  curiosity  to  push  herself  to  find  her  own  answers,     the  need  to  discover  what  lies  behind  her  own  doors.     what  she  needs  is  herself,    determination,    silence,    and  currently ??    the  presence  of  her  comatose  son  to  drive  both  of  those  up  the  wall.
          with  both  her  husband  and  daughter  gone,   estrella  practically  being  extracted  before  she  worried  herself  into  a  coma,    the  silence  is  enough.
          nightmares  are  a  familial  curse  by  now.    years  ago,   carrie  saw  enough  in  robin's  mind  to  know  how  easily  comatose  states  can  breed  an  influx  of  nightmares,   now  serving  a  potential  double  the  ones  her  son  already  has.     perhaps  she  swore  it  off.    perhaps  she  had  convinced  herself  that  it  was  once  too  invasive.     but  not  anymore.
          cosmo's  mindscape  is  a  different  world.    colors  fade  and  brighten  in  sync  with  each  other,    sounds  of  memories  past  dancing  in  the  spaces  around.     he  may  very  well  be  in  here  --   if  he  is  like  her  in  this  way,   that  is  not  completely  out  of  the  question.
          she's  curious  to  peek  in  corners  now,    watching  unfoldings  of  recent  family  christmases  and  search  for  the  happiest  one.    if  there  is  a  terror  in  here,    she  is  pushing  it  away.    protecting  him  is  her  duty.     by  god,   she's  going  to  do  it  right.   }


the  blindfold ..   helps  hide  the  ghosts.     if  you  ever  tire  of  seeing  them  around  here,    put  it  on.


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            you  can  use  mine.     i'll  get  another  pair  next  time  i  go  shopping.      {   there's  a  distant  moment  then,   hands  slipping  together  to  fidget.    the  pang  in  her  heart  is  undeniable.   }       i  am  sorry,     cosmo.      about  ..   /  that  /.     i  know  it's  not  the  best  thing  to  have  inherited.


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     sí,     por   favor..     their   voices   are   all   just..     overwhelming,     sometimes..


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            noise  cancelling  headphones.      i  use  them ,,   when  i  can,    i  mean.     would  you  like  a  pair ??


come  here,   darling ..   i  got  you  something   :D 


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     oh.     okay.     now   i'm   really   curious   to   know   what   it   is.


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            no ,,    but  i  saw  something  i  thought  you  may  like.    it  is  also  a  thank  you   :)


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     (   ..   )     is   there   a   special   occasion   i   forgot?     this   feels   out   of   the   blue.


. . . she  did  not  show  you  those.       /   no  way   /    --  
          *      she's  experiencing the  ultimate  betrayal  of  having  her  shaved  head  era  revealed.


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  
            yeah ??     if  seven  year  old  me  could  hear  that,     she  would  do  the  same  for  you.      {   one  hand  reaches  out  then,    ruffling  her  son's  hair  playfully.    }       i  am  just  glad  i  didn't  go    /   bald   /.      


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     it   was,     yeah.     i   like   it   though,     mamá.  :)        (     even   if   he   likes   it,     he's   still   trying   not   to   laugh   at   his   mother's   reaction   to   finding   out   the   photos   still   exist.     )


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            unfortunately.     your  grandmother ---     {    is  a  dead  woman  walking.     over  three  decades  after  she  took  a  razor  to  her  hair  and  carrie  had  HOPED  it  had  been  lived  down.     evidently  not.    }     --   hid  those  from  me.     it  was  practically  a  buzzcut,    wasn't  it ??
            *      photo  albums  can  be  a  pure  curse.


where  would  you  like  to  go  for  vacation  this  year ??   :)


BE  BRAVE,    @ghostwos  :
            mhm !!       {    the  patient  shine  of  a  half -- smile  is  offered  towards  him  without  protest,    another  sip  of  coffee  taken  soon  thereafter.     }       remember  to  pick  somewhere  you'll  enjoy,   too.       i  like  to  see  both  of  you  guys  excited.
            *      " teenage  boys  are  rude  to  thier  moms --  "      cosmo  is  an  exception  idc !!


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     yeah,     can    i??     i    just    try    to    leave    it    to    you    guys    more    so    i    never    think    too    hard    on    it..     thank    you.    
            ;   fr !!  he  could  never ᥫ᭡ be  mean  to  carrie


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            it   ( is )   your  turn.    she  already  asked  if  i  had  remembered.       ( .. )      would  you  like  to  think  about  it  for  a  few  days ??     there  isn't  any  rush.
            *      he's  v  respectful  &   it  shows !


are  you  okay ??       you  aren't  hurt .. ??    


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            that's  alright,   cos.    take  your  time.     {   the  energy  coming  from  the  younger  does  happen  to  be  palpable,    the  post -- fight  adrenaline  coining  together  in  her  own  chest.    }        is  there  anything  i  can  do ??      to  help  you  feel  less  upset ..


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     (     he's    right.     no    major    injuries,     no    bones    broken    nor    fractured.     yet    his    energy    radiates    he's    just    left    war,     even    if    he    is    acting    very    kind    to    his    mother    at    the    moment.     )        i    shouldn't    talk    about    it   just    yet.    still    angry.


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            {   a  deadpan  expression  is  her  first  response,    rapid  fire  in  the  shift  from  worry  to  visible  disbelief  at  the  idea  of  NOT  worry.    }       under  normal  circumstances,     i'd  agree.     we  do  not  live  under  normal  circumstances.      ( .. )     what  started    /  that  /    fight ??     i've  not  seen  you  that  upset  in  a  while.


cosmo .. ??       why  are  you  crying ??


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            {   unlike  robin  or  estrella,   it's  impossible  for  carrie  to  lack  expression.    her  features  speak  her  thoughts  before  speaking  is  even  necessary,     and  now  is  no  exception.    the  frown  pulling  her  lips  only  grows  as  complete  attention  remains  on  cosmo,    troubled  and  concerned  all  at  once.    }       may  i  ask  what  happened ??


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     n—  no.     'm    not    crying..     might    be    close    to,     though.


. . . where  did  the  dog  come  from ??


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            that's ,,  considerably  more  worrying  of  an  answer.       {   a  half -- smile,     amused.    }      it  sounds  like  you're  talking  about  a  crimes  deal  rather  than  a  dog.      (  ..  )      have  you  named  it ?? 


@grabbersees-  ᥫ᭡     (     don't    slip    up    cosmo,     cmon,     it's    just    your    mom.     you    can    do    i—     )        i    can't    say    anything!     i'm    not    allowed    to!


BE  BRAVE,   @ghostwos  :
            cosmo ,,   i  can  see  the  dog.     we  didn't  have  another  dog  last  i  checked.      ( .. )     who's  idea  was  it ?