
I'm thinking about putting some of my other writing stuff on here, but I haven't actually finished anything as of yet. I am taking ideas/prompts if there's anything on here that you guys would like written. If so either respond to this or message me. I have way too much time on my hands atm and need a distraction so if you want something written let me know. As always you guys are amazing and keep smiling.


I'm thinking about putting some of my other writing stuff on here, but I haven't actually finished anything as of yet. I am taking ideas/prompts if there's anything on here that you guys would like written. If so either respond to this or message me. I have way too much time on my hands atm and need a distraction so if you want something written let me know. As always you guys are amazing and keep smiling.


I love your bio, it makes a valid point. And I agree with said point. You have a way with words and I find that awe inspiring. There are not many blessed with that gift, but you my friend are one of the lucky few. If that story is indeed true, I feel sorry for this girl's family and friends. I have a friend who's like that, but she hasn't been corrupted by the horrors of this awful world yet and I respect her for that. You a a wonderful person for sharing that heartfelt story with pride and I commend you on that. I too have been there. I have dated a few guys, and one girl. I have only had crushes on girls, but I just haven't found the right one as of this moment. I hope to find that special girl and make her happy, but as for now I am a lonely girl who is trying to make the best out of my sorry so-called life. Thank you for being inspiring and a prideful girl. I hope you get to the places you want to go and I hope your life is great. 
          Much love
          Little Shadow