
I don’t mean to self promote, but I’m deciding to start posting some of my fics from ao3 (and also my other wattpad account) here, and I just recently posted one! : )


I probably don’t have to say this (if you know me, you already know this), but just in case it wasn’t clear: This is a safe space for all marginalized people.
          Rudeness & bigotry will not be tolerated here.
          If you’re going to hate someone for simply existing & being themselves, I’d recommend not following me (not that you’d want to anyway, I myself am queer & neurodivergent).
          This account is a safe space regardless of your sexuality & romantic orientation, gender, race, religion, etc


@-OnceSpokeOfAnAngel- So glad I was able to make you feel seen! : )
            As someone who’s ace & on the aro spectrum, it’s very important to me to include both aspects when talking about orientations


you said romantic orientation 
            nobody says that oh my god
            i feel so seen because I don’t have a sexuality 


Love Never Dies was made into a professional musical with professional theatre actors (like Sierra Boggess, for example), and it was based on a Phantom of the Opera fanfic from the 80s.
          That’s like if I were to get Josh Groban to act out my Sweeney Todd fanfics.
          (In all seriousness, may he never know that those exist, because my god, that would be embarrassing)


@-OnceSpokeOfAnAngel- I’ve heard good things about the music. I hope this wasn’t insulting to those who like the show. I just personally can’t get behind the plot, lol


I loved Love Never Dies, the plot was trash but the music is>>>>>>


This is late, but if you dressed up for Halloween, what/who did you dress up as?
          I was Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd.


@gillyflowersmaybe i’m even later but i dressed up as cher from clueless it was a very lazy costume though lol


@gillyflowersmaybe Haha, I know I already told you, but I was Enjolras.  I wish there was a way to show pictures - I recreated his death scene pretty damn well if I do say so myslef.  : )


‘Tis the anniversary of my birth