
why is almost every flash reading list filled with either crap stories or every other fandom story (twilight, tvd, tw, outer banks, criminals minds, etc.)


this is the most annoying user i’ve come across in awhile.
          if you can’t comprehend what i’m saying, then just don’t bother responding. this entire thing had literally NOTHING to do with you anyway.
          like the amount of jumbled nonsense and the addition of putting words in my mouth has just about tipped me over the edge.


should make a discontinued/left hanging reading list. seems to be a trend that’s been happening since 2020/2021.
          till this day, i never understood why the writers on this app wrote and updated stories chapter by chapter instead of completing the story and then uploading the whole thing. they gut and still continue to get so many people’s hopes up, then have the nerve to get annoyed when people constantly ask for updates months and years later.
          i also never understood the writers that start a multitude of stories at the same time, publish them all, then either lost interest or developed writer’s block for half of them. just write your stories in private, publish the ones that are finished, and scrap the ones you lost interest in so people’s time isn’t wasted. or see if any of the readers would want to read what you’ve written so far and maybe someone will say something that may spark your interest again and can possibly help finish the story.
          another long rant by my mind is just blown at the amount of amazing, yet discontinued/discarded stories.


i hate coming across criminal minds fanfics where the writer doesn’t stick to the characters’ characteristics. especially for hotch.
          “welcome to the bau. i’m supervisory special agent aaron hotchner, but everyone calls me hotch” *gags* *throws up* BRO WHATT. “evEryOne cAlLs mE hOtch” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP CRINGEEEEE lmfaooo. it’s literally “agent hotchner” or “sir” until trust has been built.
          “it’s very nice to meet you. i look forward to working with you” knowing damn well aaron hotchner is the least trusting and would more than likely say something about reading oc’s files, hoping her skillset is useful.




girl just saw you in hyuckscult comments and your reading lists.. FR thank you i have so much thing to read now lol 


@jendeucorn lmaoooo!! glad i could help :)


wait it’s markscult sorry LMAO :’) 