
G'Day G'Day, Ladies, gents, aaaand everyone else!
          	After weeks of drafting, chapter one of glorified is up- The Fine Art of Bullshitting- please note there may be triggering themes within the text!
          	I would love your support on this write as the topic is very close to my heart :)
          	Stay safe and stay strong all of you reading this


G'Day G'Day, Ladies, gents, aaaand everyone else!
          After weeks of drafting, chapter one of glorified is up- The Fine Art of Bullshitting- please note there may be triggering themes within the text!
          I would love your support on this write as the topic is very close to my heart :)
          Stay safe and stay strong all of you reading this


Howdy Ladies and gents and however else you wish to be addressed!
          Currently in the process of writing a new 'book' called GLORIFIED. I'll be keeping everyone updated so stay tuned for the release of Chapter One.
          ALSO looking for one amazing person to design the front cover- DM me for details 'bout the story and let's kick some goals!
          Have a wonderful day/night/life to everyone reading this and stay safe 