
@FlutterflyAway OMG no that's not creepy at all! I love her so much, and her stories! ^-^ her BOC series is literally my life. And yes it is :) thanks :)


@glitterandsparklz RIGHT!? I love those books too!!! have u bought one yet?! im sacing up fir mine. I just want them all!!! im currently reading Silent and it's so good! im waiting for chapter three!
          	  ugh! I knew t! ive been reading it and it's good. I really like how cute your characters are together. im just waiting for when he finally tells her what he is!!! im just dying!


when are you updating your story? :( i really would like to read if he tells her about being a werewolf. bwahaha. how will she react, GASP!
          Also... do you know of any other good werewolf books to read? I'm on a fix for them right now and just finished reading two that were BOMB. i cant find any good ones though.


Glitter, my love! 
          How are you? I feel like it's been aaaaaaages since i've spoken to you! I hope all is well with school and that you are working very hard, but also making time to enjoy life. 
          I know that i should but i haven't. -_-
          So after Wattpad has suggested to me countless books on Werewolves---the hot commodity in the categories these days---i've decided to take a stab at it too. I was hoping that you'd be able to give me feedback on how you think i'm doing? I am a bit nervous because of how new this genre is to me still but i like it. It's fun to write.
          I'm hoping you'll be able to check one of them out for me, but if not that's alright. no worries there my lovely! I still want to catch up with you though! It's been far too long! 
          Chat you soon,
          <3 SAMiAMiz


@FlutterflyAway OMG no that's not creepy at all! I love her so much, and her stories! ^-^ her BOC series is literally my life. And yes it is :) thanks :)


@glitterandsparklz RIGHT!? I love those books too!!! have u bought one yet?! im sacing up fir mine. I just want them all!!! im currently reading Silent and it's so good! im waiting for chapter three!
            ugh! I knew t! ive been reading it and it's good. I really like how cute your characters are together. im just waiting for when he finally tells her what he is!!! im just dying!