
Not really sure if I should make an announcement after years, but I perhaps need to inform current readers of Keep me Happy that the story has (finally)  been taken down. Sorry in advance if you were in the middle of reading. I wrote that book in my teenage years being in a very dark state of mind. Looking back at the book I'm just as shocked as readers by the explicit, taboo topics I wrote about. I honestly thought at the time that the end of the story would make everything right, but it is just too disturbing all in all. I know lots of you love KMH and I get messages daily, though I haven't been on this Site for years now. I hope you can understand where I am coming from. I only got back here to delete it and I was kind of scared seeing all the love and attention the story was still getting after all those years, but I'm in my 20s now and it does not feel right to keep it up any longer. Thank you all so much for supporting me during my darkest times (though, a lot of you probably arent active anymore either) and sorry again to all who were in the middle of reading. I'm not sure if I explained myself well, but I guess I just didn't want to keep it uncommented. I'll be here for a while if any of you have thoughts to share. xoxo


I haven’t thought about that book in forever but told a friend about it today, If your still online would it ever be okay to ask to have it as well it sounds weird but you probably don’t want the ptsd details on why we want it but again if not we all get it ✨ hope your doing well


hey i’m so so sorry i completely respect your decision and understand but was wondering if there was any way you could send it to me (watermarked or anything), it hit really close to home for me & it’s been a great comfort throughout the years


@gothbitchxxxxxxxx Same, but I understand if not though! I hope you’re doing alright! 


Not really sure if I should make an announcement after years, but I perhaps need to inform current readers of Keep me Happy that the story has (finally)  been taken down. Sorry in advance if you were in the middle of reading. I wrote that book in my teenage years being in a very dark state of mind. Looking back at the book I'm just as shocked as readers by the explicit, taboo topics I wrote about. I honestly thought at the time that the end of the story would make everything right, but it is just too disturbing all in all. I know lots of you love KMH and I get messages daily, though I haven't been on this Site for years now. I hope you can understand where I am coming from. I only got back here to delete it and I was kind of scared seeing all the love and attention the story was still getting after all those years, but I'm in my 20s now and it does not feel right to keep it up any longer. Thank you all so much for supporting me during my darkest times (though, a lot of you probably arent active anymore either) and sorry again to all who were in the middle of reading. I'm not sure if I explained myself well, but I guess I just didn't want to keep it uncommented. I'll be here for a while if any of you have thoughts to share. xoxo


I haven’t thought about that book in forever but told a friend about it today, If your still online would it ever be okay to ask to have it as well it sounds weird but you probably don’t want the ptsd details on why we want it but again if not we all get it ✨ hope your doing well


hey i’m so so sorry i completely respect your decision and understand but was wondering if there was any way you could send it to me (watermarked or anything), it hit really close to home for me & it’s been a great comfort throughout the years


@gothbitchxxxxxxxx Same, but I understand if not though! I hope you’re doing alright! 


Long time no see. Thinking of uploading poetry? Thoughts? Would anyone be even interested? +anyone still up for porcelain boy updated or nah?


I’m late to say it up yes please!!! BOTHBOTHBOTHHH




So I’m your book ‘ Keep Me Happy’ what is Frank’s age?


*slams shot glass on the table* he's 200 and he didn't really die he just faked it. he's a vampire. everything is ok.


Anything that’s not said specifically in the story is up to the readers mind


OH MY GOD i saw that you were sorta active and i have to say it but you wrote my all time favorite story ever on wattpad and YOU ARE THE BEST WRITER GOOD GOD I LOVED KEEP ME HAPPY SO MUCH YOU ARE A GODDESS 


@Ants101 Aw Thank you so much that's so sweet ❤️❤️❤️ and yeah I haven't been active in a long while


Welp heyy so I know you're probably inactive because you're busy or because you've grown out of the frerard Mcr stuff like most of the people on here but I wish you the best of luck. You're an amazing writer and if you do choose to leave wattpad I support you n stuff this sounds WERID Idk I'm emotional and I miss your writingsssss


@hypnoticka Thank you❤️ I'm sorry I'm not that active anymore 


And the replies you'd give 