
; cb and specify 


݁⠀ ⠀.̲.̲.̲⠀ ⠀*⠀ ⠀"don't   come   any   closer  .   "   truthfully  ,   he   couldn't   remember   how   he   got   into   this   mess  .   he'd   been   looking   for   a   snack  ,   of   sorts  ,   and   eventually   he   found   himself   cornered  .   he   didn't   know   what   the   other   wanted—-   or   really   if   he   wanted   anything  .   but   if   his   past   was   to   prove   ANYTHING   at   all   it   was   that   everyone   wanted   something   from   him  .   whether   it   be   his   body  ,  mind  ,   or   soul  .   "i   bite  .   "   he   warned  .   he   was   ill-prepared   to   fight   anyone  ,   especially   with   the   plague   of   hunger   beginning   to   gnaw   at   his   insides  .   he   felt   unfocused   and   off   balance  .   his   instincts   told   him   to   flee  .   this   feeling   was   not   one   that   he   missed   and   very   rarely   had   he   felt   since   escaping   cazador  .   being   confronted   with   it   yet   again   was   almost   enough   to   make   him   retch   right   then   and   there  .   however  ,   he   was   too   headstrong   to   show   any   sign   of   weakness  .   especially   now  .
             †  ∖      i  hope  this  works  <3  beautiful  acc   btw  :)


            the golden elf stopped right in his tracks. honestly he had been taking the darkened raods to avoid as many people as possible. humans to be exact. a fear tortured into him. so the sudden threat and the elf looking like a trapped animal really made him freeze in a cold sweat. he had been in that very same position as the pale man a good few times. he never imagined to be on the other side of such a reaction. " no, please ... I didn't mean to frighten you at all. I may have gotten a little turned around but I swear I wasn't following you — " hiw the hells could he even explain this? he was simply lost and was following...okay maybe he had been following him. only to see if they knew a way out or at least somewhere remotely familiar. it looked bad regardless how he would try and put it. " I really am is really a mess — I don't travel to the big places like this... " 
            ; thank you! your's is stunning as well


@hyrded 〕
          his reaction may have been frightening. rather, the lack of one. in his years he has seen many dark and horrid things. this was no different. at least this one wasn't trying to outright kill him. he gave a soft sigh, slightly gazing up at the shadow that appeared before glancing back ahead. the cliffside had a nice view of the kingdom. he was planning to stay. watch the sun set on it before taking his rest. " you ask as if I have an answer. I may have sympathy, but I guess most of it is overshadowed for my fear of them. though, I know that sounds crazy. "


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ the sound of footsteps can be heard within the distance of the forest but it didn't sound like the footsteps of a human but rather of an animal. small cracking noises as the animal had gotten closer and walked along the dried up leaves,   it was so close but it suddenly stopped before stepping into sight and only now silence filled the forest once more.
          greyish brown eyes gazing at the sight of a figure seemingly to be standing out in the open while they hid behind the bushes and tree's that spread through the land that the forest covered.   they would watch them quietly, eyes stern but filled with a gentle warmth of curiosity to why the stranger was in the forest that people warned others not to go in.


@wildhim 〕
            unsettling might not even be the right word for it. he didn't even notice the rider until the creature directly glanced at him. a place he personally thought was well hidden for hunting. clearly not. he'd let go of the tention on his bow string. slowly standing to reveal himself fully. in all his years of living there had he not seen another human. let alone one so close to animals at that. the worst was the silence that followed. something was wrong. either with the creature or the person riding it. something dark or unnatural seemed to be consuming at one of them. he didn't dare more or bother to ask. 


@wildhim 〕
            ; yes! I will get to this as soon as I can


⠀ -     I hope this is fine. (:


; i dont know how to make the books look good. the one chapter i have uo - i dont know if it really works well or not right now. input would be wonderful


; i feel i am just especially picky because he has been my character for almost 10 years and though many campaigns. so it is hard to reprosent him how i see him to strangers 


/  &.   that sounds  perfect!  i think you should give that a try.  if you don’t like it, you could always change it back.


@clfrouguc 〕
            ; I was thinking of making those 3 image banners with my cincept art mixed in for how i see him, maybe some screenshots of how i made him in bg3? I feel maybe it would help. i want to also redo the forst page. add all of the short warnings and rules and make a separate chapter for the fables and the backstory? 