
Happy Mother's day!
          	My mom wants a Fitbit, and I'm just like "aw hell no. Too expensive." 
          	I got her one though, just to make her happy.
          	Hope you guys get your mom's something great! If not, that's okay, I hadn't got my mom anything for 4 years. First time in 4 years I got her a gift. 
          	But again, Happy mother's day!


You added flashlight to your reading list and I saw it in my notifications and that profile pic... It's killing me! Like...  


@Skylar_Supernatural ha, thanks. I think I might have changed the profile pic, but thanks again. And Flashlight is seriously a good story, it's a story I really enjoy reading 


Happy Mother's day!
          My mom wants a Fitbit, and I'm just like "aw hell no. Too expensive." 
          I got her one though, just to make her happy.
          Hope you guys get your mom's something great! If not, that's okay, I hadn't got my mom anything for 4 years. First time in 4 years I got her a gift. 
          But again, Happy mother's day!