
anyone who was into sanscest fics back in 2017, please answer me this:
          	ok so imagine a skeleton is pregnant, the baby is in the ecto-body right? so, if its an ecto-body you can summon and get rid of, can the skeleton un-summon (idk if this is the right terminology, whatever) the pregnant ecto-body? if so, would it abort the baby? Is that a thing?
          	its a thing that always ran around my mind back in the day and even if i go to a random fic ask this the chances of anyone replying are very low.


anyone who was into sanscest fics back in 2017, please answer me this:
          ok so imagine a skeleton is pregnant, the baby is in the ecto-body right? so, if its an ecto-body you can summon and get rid of, can the skeleton un-summon (idk if this is the right terminology, whatever) the pregnant ecto-body? if so, would it abort the baby? Is that a thing?
          its a thing that always ran around my mind back in the day and even if i go to a random fic ask this the chances of anyone replying are very low.


          i made a writing advice book
          if youre a writing noob like me consider reading
          thats it, bye


@ Alex_Fanfiqueiro  thanks


@ greenlightbulb_14  i'll read it :]


I looked at your description. Honestly wouldn't mind a fanfictions tips book. I got a thirty-two chapter trainwreck on my hands.


@ A_Sentient_Sock  hi, i just made the first chapter of this writing book  if you're interested, please take a look