
Greetings, dear reader. Firstly, I extend my apologies for entering your space without prior permission. Secondly, I kindly request you to peruse my work and share your thoughts on whether you find it enjoyable or not. The narrative revolves around an arranged marriage that isn't entirely conventional. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. As a new writer, your support is crucial for my improvement and motivation to produce more content. I believe you won't regret taking the time to read it. Thank you.
          A small part of my story
          I observed her nervously chewing her lower lip-a new detail I discovered about her today. It seemed to be a habit she had when feeling uneasy.
          A smile automatically formed on my lips as I noticed her reaction. I had no intention of touching her in a way that went beyond our boundaries before getting married. I deemed it important to respect the sanctity of our relationship.
          Unless she expressed a desire for physical contact, I wouldn't impose anything on her. I believed in allowing our relationship to develop at a slow pace, nurturing an unbreakable bond between us.


Hello Gunjan! Mann this side!!
          Thank you for giving a chance to all three of my stories and voting for it. I'm glad you liked it ! :)
          I will be updating An Inequitable Love after a month or so having done with my entrances. So, stay tuned! :)


@itsnothormone Hey Mann!! Looking forward to reading more from you!        Also all the best for your entrances! Break a leg (or two)!