🍉 ❤ 🖤 🤍 💚

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
― Joseph Addison

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'
- Audrey Hepburn

I'm a person who enjoys both quiet reading and social interactions. Let's be friends!

I'll begin my writing journey in 2024. Just wait and see! Insya Allah🔥

Fav genres: teen fiction, fantasy, thriller, fan fiction, dystopian fiction, biography, autobiography, romance, Islamic, adventure, historical fiction, paranormal

Fav tropes: friend to lover, secret identity, oblivious to love, time travel, rivals, the chosen one, second chance, amnesia
  • Alabasta
  • انضمJune 23, 2023

الرسالة الأخيرة
haefarha haefarha May 25, 2024 11:17AM
Dah lama tak buka wattpad ni, buka hari ni baru tahu direct message dah tak ada 
عرض جميع المحادثات

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