
Guys. Life sucks. I just wanted to let everyone know. There's nothing to look forward to. So just sleep. Dream some yummy things. Idk. But do not get your self strung over a boy. BC when they play with your feelings no one can get hurt but you.


hey just saying I'm not dealing with anything I'm just stop careing cause nobody care if I do or not so I'm leaving everyone behind and Haley your a good person but you just don't show it but I am worthless I should have never been born I haven't slept in months I satu awake thinking about how crap my life is everything I love hates me how many times I part to god to end my life how I stare up at the celing thinking I still have hope but I'm just a shell now nothing on the inside my feelings just put them self's off and like I haven't smiled in months too I put on a fake smile and pretend to be happy I pretend I'm happy for everything I pretend I am good I pretend I am worth something I just don't want to do anything I'm not I'm just doing something I do forget I am forgetting I knew grace you everybody and I'm leaving them behind to what grace calls my lonely life of no talking to people no eye contact with anyone no nothing cause that's what I am nothing so if you read this you can show grace if you want IDC just know that she does not care and you might not either