
*     gigglessss !    cb n specify . 


**      cb n specify !


               *).   late but pls! 


,          on sabé rn


/        curious        or      frustrated pls ! 


KEHE.                 —go  back. 


@halfnavi      〴       daaAah!   (    his  cockiness only  annoyed  the  na'vi  warrior,  to  which  she only  stepped  away  with  every  step  he  took  closer .   if she couldn’t get rid of him with words,  her  second  option  was  to  lose  him   in  the  forest.   one  she knew  more  about  than  he  ever  could──only..  eywa  saw something  in  him.  and  if  it  wasn’t  for  the atokirina sabé  would  have  conducted  that option  without  question      )     you  are  like  a baby──     


@omatinavi⠀⠀⠀ ̱͞ ⠀⠀   Raising  his  hands  in  a  placating  gesture,  a  small  smile  playing  on  his  lips,  he  welcomed  her  shove  as  a  mere  invitation  to  draw  closer  to  her  once  again.   )     Come   on,   girl    (    he  coaxed,  his  voice  filled  with  determination.    )      You   know   I'm   not   going   anywhere.


@halfnavi      go. back.   (   she  turns  abruptly, pushing  him away  with  the  end  of  her  bow. a  hiss  following  before  she'd  step  closer— almost  too  close . she tilts her head to the side,  shoving  him  again )   go. 


    i’ll     kill     you. 


@halfnavi    ⋆   ┈┈     bAah !      [      if there was one thing sabé knew it was that he as a person irritated her.   like the rest, he was full of pride— eager to destroy her home.  for that, she had no ounce of reverence.  only pure hate .   she pressed her lips together once the..   alien closed the distance between them. her uncomfortable state amplifying with every step.      the growl she made was as inhuman as inhuman could get. it rumbled deep within her throat, and the flesh of her nose wrinkled — she aimed to bite him.  only for her attack to be blocked by his forceful hold      ]     vonvä—- !      [       teeth grit and a pained whine.   she squeezed her eyes shut once—- then her golden hues had opened, dripping with hate and locking gazes with his own,         she released a shuddered and heavy breath— her chest heaving     ]        then i shall place my blade within your hands and drive it into your heart   [    then,  she’d spit at him.  and for a moment,  just for a moment,  a smug look made its way on her face  ] 


@omatinavi⠀⠀⠀ ̱͞ ⠀⠀   (   His  smirk  contorted  into  a  slight  frown,  but  it  carried  a  sadistic  undertone.   Matias  found  the  Navi  woman's  feral  nature  incredibly  captivating,  almost  addicting,   as  he  remained  indifferent  to  the  numerous  adversaries  he  had  encountered  thus  far.   His  gaze  remained   fixed  on  her,  his  body  assuming  a  crouched  position.   )    Ain't   that   right,   baby?     (   he rasped,   his  voice  deep,   with  a  hint  of  his  Hispanic  accent  peeking  through  before  laughter  rumbled  from  deep  within  his  chest  and  spilled  into  the  surroundings.   )    You're   quite   the   charmer,   you   know?   Feral   like   a   cat,   but   truly  ...  truly,   you   are   something   else,   girl.    (   His  hand  extended,  seizing  the  loose  strands  of  fallen  braids  and  gathering  the  rest  in a   forceful  manner.   The  intention  was  clear:  to  compel  the  warrior  to  meet  his  gaze  directly.    )      But   know   this   (   he  asserted,  his  voice  resolute.    )    I'm   not   going   anywhere.   I   won't   perish   at   the   hands   of   you   or   your   people.   If   I'm   destined   to   die,   it   will   be   by   my   own   doings . 


(     sabé’s  eyes  were  constricted.   her  tail  swayed  and  like  a  primitive  animal  she watched  his  every  move.  had  it  not  been  for  the  chains  bolted  into  the  ground  that kept  her  hands  at  bay.   the  omatikayan warrior would have lunged and put her words to action.   instead, she remained hostile baring her fangs while strands of her hair that freed themselves from her braids , fell over her face.     )             if you release me you will not live to see tomorrow         @halfnavi


@INDIANREMIX  ⠀ ☆     [    ID  :  PAVPAV    ]           bandaids    ?      of    course —-     why   do   you   need   a   bandaid    pav   pav   ???      *       the  woman questioned ,   concerned  and  yet  somewhat  amused  for  this  may  had  been   the  fourth  time  this  week  pavitr  had seemed  her  for  another  bandaid .       *        what    happened    this     time ,   hijo     ?             *       Malaya  asked ,   hand  lowering  down  to  scavenge  through  her  small  hand  bag .   searching  high  and  low  for  a  bandaid  .       *           AAHHH   -   HAAA     !!!      here   you    go ,    pavpav      .