
You know how hard it is to be a Patriots fan in Texas, surrounded by a family who is in love with the Cowboys? Anyone? The struggle train has officially left the station.


@holland_Robinson Geez I bet the Super Bowl this year was rough 


@daddy-holland i know the feeling im also a patriots fan and my fam is crazy for the falcons so the last superbowl was very interesting.....


You know how hard it is to be a Patriots fan in Texas, surrounded by a family who is in love with the Cowboys? Anyone? The struggle train has officially left the station.


@holland_Robinson Geez I bet the Super Bowl this year was rough 


@daddy-holland i know the feeling im also a patriots fan and my fam is crazy for the falcons so the last superbowl was very interesting.....


What are your thoughts about the new light saber in The Force Awakens?


I see. Cool! And that is a great background picture by the way :)


@KomodoFox Personally, I really like it. If I were using that light saber I probably wouldn't have to put in as much effort to defend myself efficiently, which is GREAT because I am a lazy person :) However, I also feel like you would be a greater risk of harming yourself accidentally. For example, I am a very clumsy person, so what if I accidentally turned on the dang thing and one of the mini light saber shot out of the side and cut my finger off? Whatcha gonna do then? But, if you had a original light saber and accidentally turned it on, it couldn't hurt you because the power button is the complete opposite way of the beam, which only goes out in one direction. So there are pros and cons to it, but all in all I like it :)


That one moment when you realize that today is Heath Ledger's birthday, and that he would be  thirty-five.
          Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and it's so depressing that someone so young had to die the way he did.
          He was an amazing person and actor; he was a hero to Hollywood and to his fans. The "movie world" just isn't the same without him, and it never will be.
          I never knew him personally, but I miss him. I have a special spot reserved for him in my heart.
          R.I.P Heath Ledger 
          Roses are Red 
          Violets are Blue 
          I miss Heath Ledger
          I think we all do.