
@Monrosey oh thank you :) it always struck me too and I put it on there because I really need to read it everyday because I have a hard time writing for people to see. Loving your story :) great job. 


Hey there - just read the quote on your profile and it really resonated. Fear is a horrible feeling, you have no idea how  many times I almost deleted my stories (instead I decided to persevere through the critiques and try to improve and learn). At least I put myself out there and tried, right? So much better than never trying at all.
          Anyway, I wanted to stop by and thank you for voting on Strawberry Wine, I really appreciate your support! :)


So what is everyone thinking of river lane? I have a new book in my head I'm obsessed with starting soon so there will probably only be a few more chapters until I finish this one but I'd still love to hear your opinions and ideas :)


          Glitch was awesome :) the ending was not what I expected. Actually the last quarter of the book was unexpected and took a little time for me to wrap my head around it. But honestly I think that's a little refreshing sometimes. It's definitely an original story. You really deserve to have it published!


Thank you!  Ha, I know.  Both the thing with the multiple Glitches (you know what I mean, I'm saving spoilers from other followers of mine ;)) and the ending where both random ideas that I was really nervous about early on and my Glitch Consultant just said to do it.  So I know that it was risky, but... I like it.  :)  Thank you so much for reading.