
I think something is wrong I was reading manacled suddenly it disappeared from my library and my reading list /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


@Delphinia_Rosier it still let me read it but it wouldn’t let me comment, i jsut finished it and i ma honestly feeling so down now, that book was the reason for my happiness this last week and now i’m just not happy anymore, it’s not going to be the same if i reread it so i’m going to start working on my script but i have absolutely no clue what i should do in it, like what do i want my relationship to be like? do i want it to be exactly like a fanfic? do i want to make up my own? do i want it to be just like manacled? do i want to even look like myself, bc i don’t in real life and the way draco talked about her i. this and the way he did things and how he loved specific aspects of her, like her hair, i don’t have that. i’m not as pretty as hermione and i’m not jsut saying that for attention, i honestly feel hopeless at this point. i’m sorry that was a lot to unravel on you


I completed reading it and now I am devastated that the book ended
            Why all the good things end 
                          (′д` )…彡…彡