If you don't want to know about me, you may skip to the parts with a [-✿-].

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I'm hazel, 15. I'm from Singapore, a country that can't be seen oh the map. If you know where this small little island is, then, yes i am Asian. yes i know how to speak English. [WELL DUH, OTHERWISE WHAT LANGUAGE ARE YOU TYPING OUT, YOU ARE AN IDIOT HAZEL.] It is my first language, don't worry, i'm just really bad at grammar. I'd bring in some huge words that i myself don't even understand if you want me to. HEHE.

Anyway, i have CHINESE asian parents and no they are not strict. Being truthful here alright. [✿] 90% of the time when i'm not updating my book is, well, it's either i'm out having the best time of my life or i'm seating in front of the television watching D.I.S.N.E.Y. Yes, disney, I CALL DIBS ON DONALD DUCK THOUGH. HAR!

okok, back from fangirling. [✿] Just so you know, i'm a perfectionist in my work, (ok, not exactly) and i'll usually post the first drafts of the chapter before going through and correcting the corrections. haha. I'll go through it from time to time and correct it.


I love reading, though, after reading many books.
I live through life with starbucks, pizza, junk foods, and sodas. I'm the laziest human ever alive, so i won't write unless i feel like i do.

I love it when books include bad boys, yeah know? Most of the characters came from the musics i listen to.

Anyway, stay with me or i'll drag you {I probably won't, but who knows? Really?) and accompany me through the journey of my lousy writing of [BEING IN LOVE].


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  • In your bed, sleeping ✿
  • Üye olduApril 26, 2014

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