
/ ..my flight got delayed a half hour so cb & drop as i get to responses..


the two girls sat in kyokas room , where the purple haired girl was teaching her friends how to play the guitar . the two have been doing this for a while ; where one would go to the others room and they would teach them something they know . 
          " so . .  you said its 6 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 1 ? " Mina questioned as she played what she spoke , plucking the different strings and her fingers landing on the different frets each pluck . . to her it didnt sound right , so she figured she'd ask .


kyoka shook her head, letting out a small laugh. “almost. here, would you like me to demonstrate, maybe?” they offered with a small smile, a twinkle in the eye. she genuinely did enjoy teaching their friends about the things she loved, guitar certainly being one of them. they were happy that mina was also willing to learn, even if this was something they did often.
            / @acidiccs