
man. 2024 and not a single piece of new writing. 


been playing video games. might write for ow2 or jojo’s 


What stories do you guys recommend? My feed has been hanging dry lately. 


Todobaku* oops 


@wasteofspace4150  No it’s alright dude lol. I’ll check yours out, I remember being caught up to a Tododeku fanfic of yours before I stopped logging in on Wattpad & I really liked your writing style.  And I’ll check out Captured and In 27 Days too. Thx for the recs! 


@heartlikewax  In 27 Days is a good story, and so is Captured. If you like fanfictions I have three lmaooo. There's another one I remember really liking but I can't think of the name sorry jdhdkdjk 


          Take care of yourself. You are not your mind; heavy with guilt or burdened with past experiences, learn to forgive yourself & welcome the new person you want to be. Lose the facades & say hello to the person you’ve hid underneath those layers. Dig deep inside of yourself, shovels, spoons or your bare fuckin’ hands, find yourself buried underneath the bad things and build an altar where it swells. 
          You are human. Learn to live. Learn to laugh. Learn to love. Don’t be afraid of what hasn’t had a chance to happen. Learn to differ between the fabrication of people in your head & in the real world. Take care of yourself. Make art, destroy art, love art; caress and mold your hatred, force into paper / canvases / your mind is blessing / curse but don’t let it trouble you for so long. Grow. 


hello Wattpad. (echoes) (flies buzzing) (corpses groaning) hello writers. (silence) (white noise) (static tv) hello there world. (the lights are off) (nobody’s home) (where has everyone gone) (wander & wander) (unfollow here, block there) (change your name, delete your works) (where has everyone gone) (muse has left us) (authors block ruined our lives) (unfinished fantasies) (hearts left unbroken andor unrepaired) hello Wattpad. (the last remaining communities of deserted replies & finished novels)