


:>> hehe ~ i wont forget -3-




.       backstreets of yokohama , is it really safe to be out at such a place at such unholy hours ?  it really wasn’t yet that would never stop the male who stood 185 cm tall with a pretty face and an ability that isn’t suited for combat . but it wasn’t very surprising for the not so well known strategist of the infamous port mafia since he was mostly the person who caused it to be dangerous out there . what surprising was his desire to escape from silence and loneliness even if he was the reason why silence existed most of the time . 
          — walking up to the first person he found on the street was a weird habit of his that became a thing in general thanks to that . 
          “  hey ~ ! what are you doing out here so late ? i heard it was dangerous — „ 


            《 “I guess that could be one of the reasons, but you’re more like him than you think. Even if you don’t feel like it,” xifeng noted, giving him a long look. his face tightened momentarily as the dull throbbing in his thigh spiked in pain, the bruises littered on his body growing more sore. the male takes a deep breath and squashes down the pain, managing to relax his posture slightly. 
            xifeng took a moment to think about what he said, sighing slightly and shaking his head, “I would not be able to rest right now. It would do me better to keep you a bit of company.” he said, eyes dull. “so tell me, what keeps you up at night? or do you just not sleep?” It was a genuine question, just as he was genuinely curious


.       turning back towards the source of the voice with his nearly perfect sweet smile finally fully formed on his face , the raven shoved his hands in the pockets of his long black coat that reached down to his knees . 
            “  well , that only means i have to work harder to perfect my expressions , „ 
            he shrugged , continuing his sentences with a question : 
            “ what do you mean by that ?  is it because i look like him ? „ 
            of course , the exhausted look in xifeng’s eyes wasn’t going to get away from the dark red gaze of the male who looked like one of those vampires in teenage girls’ dating games  . 
            “  you seem like you might just want to go home maybe ?  exhausted - i hope i am not bothering you . „ 
            he wasn’t meaning anything , no kindness in these sentences . they were only said to be said and that was all . he wouldn’t mind any answer he’d get . just like how he didn’t feel anything about the other’s breakable look


            《xifeng raised an eyebrow at his antics, “you don’t have to pretend, y’know. I can tell you’re not happy to see me.” he said bluntly, “and frankly, I can see why. but you’re not the only one, sometimes when I look at you I see *him* instead.” xifeng sounded unbelievably tired, shifting his weight awkwardly. He has just come back from a difficult mission- which was the only reason he was able to take a break from work, so he could recuperate. and right now, his thigh was aching from the stab, and he was sore in places he didn’t know he had.
            xifeng continued to fan himself, relishing in the cool breeze. he was letting his mask down, and honestly he was about to cry. everything had been piling on top of him, and boy was he tired. xifeng wanted nothing more than to head back home, cry a little while stress eating, then pass out while binge watching some trashy cheap-budget horror movie. that sounded like the ideal vacation for him. 




» can i drop sth aaaaa